Estreamz Media pro subscription program; which terms are between you and Estreamz Media and/or our affiliates and govern our rights and obligations. Estreamz Media website and any subscription are also governed by our conditions of use or privacy policy, as well as all other applicable terms, conditions, limitations and requirements on the EstreamZ Media website, all of which (as changed over time) are incorporated into these Terms. By signing up to our subscription plan you accept the terms, conditions, limitations, and any requirements on the behalf of yourself and all members of your household and others who use under your account. Cancel your EstreamZ Media subscription With EstreamZ you can cancel at any time and easily renew your subscription if you choose too. Managing your pro subscription without entirely cancelling Estreamz accounts is not a problem.. Cancel your Estreamz pro account Go to your Account page on a computer or mobile browser - select Cancel under Your Subscription - select Continue to Cancel - select Cancel Subscription After you’ve successfully cancelled, the your pro subscription on your Account page should read >> pro subscription will be canceled.” you will receive a confirmation email .. keep this email for your records. You will have the ability to continue your access to Estreamz open content service.